
And here's my second post, 100 years later...

5:54 PM

Hey everyone,

I'm finally able to start posting.  Right after my first blog post, my computer decided to have a stroke and call it quits.  I had to wait a few months to replace it, and now, here we are!

We have been having some great weather here in Norfolk, VA.  Today was 80 degrees and gorgeous, so we spent it outside.  Brandon, Frankenstein, and I headed over to my mom's house to lay in the grass and hang out with Louis, my mom's Boston Terrier.  I finally had a minute to take a stab at taking some pictures.  It's been a long time, so I wasn't super successful, but I got a couple of nice shots.

It's no wonder why I used to think this backyard was magical.  Those purple flowers drip from every branch of that giant tree.  I was taught that it's called wisteria. The name itself sounds so romantic.  

The boys had a blast today.  They sometimes don't get along very well, but when they do, they love each other so much.  It's so cute to watch.

Louis is definitely better behaved than Frankie.  I can get 100 great shots of Louis before I get one of Frankie sitting still.  He is just constantly in motion. 

I definitely realized how much practice I need shooting.  I think for my birthday coming in June, I'll ask for a new camera.  The one I have is a Canon from 2009.  I suppose an upgrade would help. 

Finals are coming up, so it was nice to spend a day not worrying about school or work or anything other than relaxing.  It was a great day and I can't wait to have another just like it.

Until then, 

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